Angelina Jolie Diet Plan and Exercise

Angelina Jolie has swung around from being voluptuous to thin. Post trying different diets to stay in shape, this mother of three biological children has switched to “blood type diet”. Post this diet, she is finding it easy to maintain her svelte frame. The blood type diet adheres to the rule that different blood groups react differently to various food products and if the person follows a diet that is compatible with their blood group, they have higher chances of loosing weight fast and find it easy to maintain it. Bearing this in mind, Angelina is disciplined about whatever she eats and is sticking to the diet that is allotted to her blood group. She combines this with portion control, where though the diet is specific to her blood group, she has it in portions in order to have a balanced diet.

Besides eating right, she is also working off the excess fat (if she has any) by exercising. Angelina is does boxing, yoga and Pilates to keep in shape. She aims at increasing her endurance, strengthening her muscles and keeping them toned. For her role in tomb raider, she worked with a personal trainer 4 times a week, starting with cardio on a treadmill, kickboxing, canoeing, push-ups, street fighting and yoga.

She also swears by the effects of drinking plenty of fresh water, as she believes that it keeps her fresh and rejuvenated. But she states that the most important thing that keeps her in shape is running after her children (she has 6 of them).


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