What are Pilates?
Pilates is program that focuses on core postural muscles that provide support to the spine. It is an easily adaptable exercise program that trains the body's mind and muscles to work in unison. The core postural muscles are the internal muscles of the abdomen and back. Developing core strength is the basics of this exercise .Pilates trains the muscles to perform better and strengthens them such that they support the spine better. This exercise makes the person more aware of his breathing and corrects the alignment of spine.
Post pregnancy, the abdominal muscles are stretched and lose much of their tone which results in loose, ugly flab. The lack of muscles can make women susceptible to back injuries. Pilates focus more on the core muscles hence they are perfect to shed off the excess fat that women garner post pregnancy. Women who have been practicing Pilates before and during pregnancy bounce back much faster than those who start afresh after child birth.
These sets of exercises work also work very well for athletes, dancers and senior citizens. Pilates make the body stronger, leaner and able to perform heavy work with grace and ease. In case of caesarian section, the post natal Pilates should start after six weeks.
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